Fulfill Your Ministry #19 The Ministry’s New Mission Statement And How It Is Seeing Fulfillment

Good Evening, Happy Friday and Welcome back to this latest edition of Fulfill Your Ministry!

Hope You all had a great week and are ready for a wonderful weekend!

I wanted to share about how God has now moved Fulfill Your Ministry beyond just a blog, a radio show and You Tube videos. You can also hear about this tomorrow at 11am CST on the Fulfill Your Ministry program on Eternity Ready Radio http://www.eternityreadyradio.com

There is now a Mission Statement:

  1. Fulfilling a Ministry of instilling the Truth of the inspired, inerrant, infallible, authoritative Word Of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the lives of others everywhere.

2. By the Grace Of God: Meeting the Right People…in the Right Place…at the Right Time. That they might be Connected in Strategic Partnerships for Greater Gospel Impact.

This happens through:

  1. Faithful Lay and Vocational Ministry in Local Churches. Which involves not just me but Pastors, other Non-Vocational Ministry workers that are sharing, teaching and preaching the Word of God.
  2. Support and promotion of Missions locally, nationally and globally. Connecting these Ministries together.
  3. Evangelism by Lifestyle, community interaction. Distribution individually and in groups of Gospel Tracts, other Evangelism materials and Bibles.
  4. Discipleship. Christians should all be growing Disciples, who make Disciples, who make Disciples.
  5. Facebook (Including Live Videos), other social medias, You Tube videos, blogs.
  6. Speaking engagements as God provides.

The realization God brought about for this came from just over a year of leading the Missions/Evangelism Ministry at Solid Rock Bible Church. I felt led that our Church family needed to experience Missions beyond just names and pictures on our Church website and their names and prayer requests on the back of Sunday bulletins or mid week prayer lists.

That they should meet our own current Missionaries, but also those in Missions locally, nationally and globally. Hear their stories.

Through involvement in a previous Church, social media and building relationships that led to my hosting many of them on Fulfill Your Ministry and other local radio shows, I could call upon.

We hosted 25 speakers in 2021 and nearing 10 in 2022.

Then the realization that many of these Ministries could make a greater impact together but needed to be introduced.

Here is how this is already being fulfilled:

  1. There is a Fulfill Your Ministry Facebook Group
  2. Fulfill Your Ministry will soon be an affiliate Ministry under the American Association For Higher Education And Accreditation http://www.aahea.org and a website is in the works.

I recently met with three of the Ministries that have been both radio and recent Solid Rock Bible Church guests. Those three are discussing potential ministry joint projects for the future, both locally and globally. I also gave them each the Fulfill Your Ministry Mission Statement and a couple pages of lists of other Ministries they could contact and connect with should they choose to.

During the recent visit of one of those Ministries Team Jesus KC http://www.teamjesuskc.com to Solid Rock Bible Church, one of our Church family shared her concern with them about her Northeast Kansas City neighborhood.

Team Jesus leader Pastor Brian Carline didn’t hesitate to start making plans to bring his team to her neighborhood for an Outreach Block Party.

That became reality this past Monday, May 9th. But it wasn’t just local members of Team Jesus’ Ministry. In addition to local ministry, they travel all over the Country serving the needs of “The Beloved In Homeless Situations”, as well as others in oppression to drugs and other addictions, prostitution, general human and sex trafficking, etc.

In so doing, just like the Fulfill Your Ministry Mission, they meet and establish Strategic Partnerships with other individuals, Churches and Ministries from all over the U.S.

So there were groups and individuals there from at least 5 different states or more including Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, California, and Florida.

This included Reborn Ministries of Tampa, Florida, there to baptize anyone who wanted to make decisions for Christ, and the band immerse Worship of Brookesville, Florida. Many, if not al those that traveled to be here are also planning to attend a revival event The Send at Arrowhead Stadium tomorrow.

There were from my estimation 3 Salvation/Baptisms and one baptism of a previously born again friend of our host. This has also led my fellow Solid Rock member who hosted the event on her property to further desire to evangelize her neighborhood. I told her I’d be happy to help.

Here are is a video I did to introduce all this as well as the pics and videos I took at the Block Party.

And this is just one of many, many ways I know God is going to work in and through Fulfill Your Ministry and all its various new aspects in the months and years to come!

Stay tuned for more and I’ll see You next time here on Fulfill Your Ministry!

About oldgravelroad

Born -Again Christian,52 years old,Married 30 years,Father of 2, Former Civilian Employee in 911 and Criminal Records Section-KCMO Police Dept. I love to write-have kept Journals since May,1991,have been either a contributor to,or sole producer of various private newsletters in the past,have Blogs and postings on various websites,have some potential book projects in the works.Recently had first article featured in Metro Voice Christian Newspaper.Freelance Writer-if you need someone to make your business look good on Blogs or websites,in Newspaper articles,or trade publications-call me at (816)-914-3578.
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