Fulfill Your Ministry #16 Evangelism And Why Some Don’t Do It

Thanks for joining me here on Fulfill Your Ministry for Saturday, March 26th, 2022! I hope Your year is going great so far!

Today, I had the privilege of again going out with a group from Solid Rock Bible Church into our local community to visit homes and invite people to our church in general as well as promoting our upcoming Easter Egg-Stravaganza and Easter Sunrise Service, Breakfast and Sunday School.

Even though many are still not wanting to come to their doors despite us really living in a post Covid society, the Church always has a responsibility to get outside the walls of the building and reach out to those around us.

This has always and will always be essential both in our daily personal lives (like giving out Gospel Tracts, sharing our Faith with friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc, but also in group efforts involving the Church itself.

Jesus commands it in Matthew 28:18-20 and many other places.

So even if not everyone is not home, so even if they don’t answer their doors, we can still hang something on their door with information about our Church and any upcoming events.

It’s great exercise. It’s great fellowship for those in the group. It leaves everyone with a sense of Gospel accomplishment. Yes, we hope, we pray it brings people in that we can further connect with. But, we may never know the results of these efforts this side of Heaven. But Jesus did not say “Go only….if You will know what Your efforts led to.” He just said “As the Father has sent Me, so send I You.”

We always need to be like Isaiah when God asked “Who will go for us, and who shall We send?” Our answer Must Be….”Here Am I, Lord, Send Me!”

This was further personified when I got a sort of last minute call to take the Wednesday night pulpit at our Church recently. My Daughter reminded me of what I have always quoted from the late Dr Al Metsker, founder of Kansas City Youth For Christ. “Be Ready To Preach, Pray, Sing….Or Die….On A Moment’s Notice!”

So when I got back after my partner and I hitting 105 homes (not sure of what the rest of the group did yet but I’m sure between all of us, the number has to be 150 or more), I felt led to share (credit Tom Ranier on Church Answers http://www.churchanswers.com) what I shared with our group before we hit the streets today and I’ll be sharing with my Adult Sunday School Class at Solid Rock tomorrow: 9 Reasons People Fail To Evangelize.

Watch the video for the list. Listen to my Fulfill Your Ministry show Saturdays at 11am CST on http://www.eternityreadyradio.com and go…Fulfill Your Ministry!

About oldgravelroad

Born -Again Christian,52 years old,Married 30 years,Father of 2, Former Civilian Employee in 911 and Criminal Records Section-KCMO Police Dept. I love to write-have kept Journals since May,1991,have been either a contributor to,or sole producer of various private newsletters in the past,have Blogs and postings on various websites,have some potential book projects in the works.Recently had first article featured in Metro Voice Christian Newspaper.Freelance Writer-if you need someone to make your business look good on Blogs or websites,in Newspaper articles,or trade publications-call me at (816)-914-3578.
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